Saturday, March 31, 2018

Sunday Night Pasta

Another Sunday night filled with mighty pasta and the ultra mighty GF stew.
This particular ravioli are from our original pasta guy, but we're slowly leaving that one behind, trying new pasta houses.

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Friday, March 30, 2018

Movies During The Weekend

We got to see two (TWO!!!) movies during last weekend... Things start get back to normal, I guess...

So, so; but the GF liked it.
A strange mixture of a chick flick with Japanese (or maybe Korean?) monsters...

The Disaster Artist:
Mighty funny one.
Franco was, literally, born to play that part.

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Summer Got Back

And with a vengeance...
Autumn my ass.

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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Linux on a MacBook 3,1

Or, specifically, Linux Mint 18 XFCE (64 bits) on a MacBook White Late 2007 (Santa Rosa)
Easy as cake... Everything seems to be working A Ok.
The little lappie is ancient and slow (a feeble Core 2 Duo) but what a hell, it was a gift, and since I'm getting old, the 1280x800 resolution helps a lot ;)

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

VirtualBox: The Updated Problem

There was a problem with Monday's updates for Virtualbox on Linux Mint.
Once installed, they blew things up rather violently, depending on your setup, you could either end up with a box that couldn't login (via the graphical login manager) or (my case) with a box that wasn't able to run programs.
Right after installing this update on the MacBook Pro programs (some of them, not every single one) refused to load, and those that didn't they didn't even produce an error message, really annoying, right?

In the end, the fix for the update shenanigans was pretty easy to do, but the really cool thing is that Linux Mint released a fix for this update right the same day.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

179K and counting!

What can I say?
Nothing more than another thousand up, dude!

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Monday, March 26, 2018

(A Little More) Green Balcony

The mandarina plant is recovering.
Slowly but steady the little fucker is getting back to life, getting greener everyday.
As a side note, take a look at those god damn spikes! Some of those are 3 cms long.

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Un-ugly Xscreensaver (Or At Least Try...)

The lock screen of XFCE, at least on Linux Mint is awful.
This is the first step towards making it a little easier on the eyes.
The contents of my ~/.Xresources file:

xscreensaver.splash: false

!font settings 9x15, the best fixed old school font in the Universe
xscreensaver.Dialog.headingFont:        9x15
xscreensaver.Dialog.bodyFont:           9x15
xscreensaver.Dialog.labelFont:          9x15
xscreensaver.Dialog.unameFont:          9x15
xscreensaver.Dialog.buttonFont:         9x15
xscreensaver.Dialog.dateFont:           9x15
xscreensaver.passwd.passwdFont:         9x15

!general dialog box (affects main hostname, username, password text)
xscreensaver.Dialog.foreground: #ffffff
xscreensaver.Dialog.background: #111111
xscreensaver.Dialog.topShadowColor: #111111
xscreensaver.Dialog.bottomShadowColor: #111111
xscreensaver.Dialog.Button.foreground: #666666
xscreensaver.Dialog.Button.background: #ffffff

!username/password input box and date text colour
xscreensaver.Dialog.text.foreground: #666666
xscreensaver.Dialog.text.background: #ffffff
xscreensaver.Dialog.borderWidth: 0
xscreensaver.Dialog.shadowThickness: 2

!timeout bar (background is actually determined by Dialog.text.background)
!xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.foreground: #ff0000
!xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.background: #000000
!xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.width: 8

! Same color as the background so this "thermometer" dissapears...
xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.foreground: #111111
xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.background: #111111
xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.width: 2

!datestamp format–see the strftime(3) manual page for details
xscreensaver.dateFormat: %I:%M%P %a %b %d, %Y

To test this, I'm currently doing this, after making changes to the file, on a Terminal:

killall xscreensaver

Then start it via Demo:


Then see the changes by:


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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Das Boot (Loop)

The N10 Ist Kaput, or so it seems... It did it again, I'm afraid this time is for good.
The lovely Nexus 10 pulled another one of those boot loops, out of the blue...
I re-imaged less than a month ago, so.. I guess there is no return now.

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Friday, March 23, 2018

Sunday Night Pasta

At last! The tradition is alive and kicking once again!
Sunday night with pasta is with us once again...  And not just pasta, but amazing pasta and on top of that, there is also the mighty GF stew.

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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Movies During The Weekend

Only one movie this weekend, it was kinda hectic around here, and our first weekend together on a loong time

Only The Brave:
Well... I don't know... IMHO, the thing lacks a bit of more cooking.
Nicely done, but like it never starts.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

32 When I Want It

Well this is strange...
I was under the impression that Chrome doesn't run on 32 bits boxes...
On Linux you can't install Chrome on 32 bit, you have to make do running Chromium.

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178K and counting!

And another thousand up... It looks like this time I had a lot of synthwave going on...

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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A New Keyboard On The Block

Spotted this the other day that went looking around computer stores around Bs. As.
It looks like HP is dumping the dreadful Spanish keyboard layout and somehow shoehorning it onto the US one.

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Monday, March 19, 2018

Saturday Might Milangas

And she is back!
So, at last, time for another milanesa, since weather forecast was rain and more rain around here... In the end, it did rain, but way later... Asado was definitively a possibility, God damn it.
Anyways, oven baked milanesas, potatoes and sweet potatoes, everything gulfed down almost instantaneously as we were starving.

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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sunday De-Gunking & Fan Spinning

So, it was time to severely de-gunk GF's T410... After a month and half without use the fan was simply refusing to spin up... So no magic and no Thinkpad.
Not the first time I've seeing this, not only on the T410, but also on the T60p...

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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Star Wars During The Weekend

Past Sunday was the last I was alone, the GF finished her vacations on Tuesday, so took the chance to watch the last Star Wars movie.

Star Wars The Last Jedi:
Damn it, man, it was bad, but bad, bad, not just bad.
The only thing that somehow (and really sort of) saves this sinking ship is Mark Hamill, but nevertheless, it sucks.

Since Disney's acquisition, it seems that Star Wars movies are going in two directions, one way following the main story, moving it forward, like this movie.
IMHO, this is the worst.
The other direction is opening (or widen) prior stories, this, at least so, far, had better results.

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Friday, March 16, 2018

(Little) Green Balcony

Slowly, really slowly, my mandarina plant is recovering, or so it looks like.
Those green buds are minimal, it was a bitch to take the picture.

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Thursday, March 15, 2018

This Is What Defeat Looks Like

A fucking summer the keeps busting my balls.
Less than a week and it'll be history.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

177K and counting!

And another thousand up... Things, or should I say scrobbling, are definitively on track once again.
Last week's issue with the scrobbling ads is solved, deleted all those offending scrobbles by hand... Things are back to normal.

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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

A Crack In The LCD Continuum

A bad close up of the bump and cracked LCD from the MacBook Pro.
I've taped it to prevent the crack from spreading, but I guess it doesn't do shit.
At least I didn't do it, it was like this when I got it.

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Monday, March 12, 2018

(Sport) Movies During (and Before) The Weekend

Quiet weekend around here, hot as hell on Saturday, with a cooler and civilized Sunday.
Two movies dealing with sports, a subject I'm not familiar at all, I somehow recall both stories.

I, Tonya:
The best of the bunch.
Entertaining, maybe, recalling awful fashions and piece of shit people.

Borg McEnroe:
Nice, I guess, specially if you like tennis.
Cool Instagram like cinematography, profusely used for the flashbacks.

No, really, don't.

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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Seriously, Summer

Stop with this crap already, man.

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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Too Much Green on Red

I just can't stop listening to Green on Red, what a terrific band.
Don't recall exactly if it was on Spotify or one of my earlier Musical Homes on which I found out about this mighty magnificent band, but it doesn't matter anyway.
I'm listening over and over the four or five albums that are currently available on Spotify, "Too Much Fun" having the number one spot as of today.

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Friday, March 09, 2018

Summer Creeps Back...

What a fucking cancer, man!
This Saturday 34 fucking degrees...
Seriously, Summer, it is time to stop with this fucking piece of shit weather.

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Thursday, March 08, 2018

Recursive Permission

So, like, yes. Right?
While setting up the Nexus 10 after January's Boot Loop Incident.

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Wednesday, March 07, 2018

176K and counting!

And another thousand up... Now that vacations are over things are back to normal when it comes to music listening around here.
Incidentally, there seems to be a problem with the Scrobbler extension on Chrome, because is scrobbling all the ads that Spotify is playing as if they were regular music.

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Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Goodbye Ole Buddy

Today the HDD on the trusty Inspiron 1000 died.
Along the years it torrented nearly 2 TB thru its plates, may it rest in peace.

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Monday, March 05, 2018

Movies During (and After) The Holidays

While waiting for the GF to return I have been watching a couple of movies, mostly to fight boredom and combat the MF heat around here.

Altered Carbon:
Actually this one started on Miami, binge watching it with the GF on a lazy afternoon, we watched the first five episodes or so... I've seeing the first one before, but I was really tired, so slept most of it.
It is really good (with amazing influences everywhere), but, IMHO, it tends to get a little boring towards the end of it.

The Florida Project:
Nice cinematography, well, I love it; but if you see the pictures I took over the years on Miami and Florida, you might know why right away.

Thank You For Your Service:
Naah, nothingness... A big bore.

My Friend Dahmer:
Nope, not mine.

Buck Rogers In The 25th Century:
Damn!! I must have seeing this more than 30 years ago or something like that... Time proved it to be bizarre, really, really bizarre.
The title scene is out of this world.

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Sunday, March 04, 2018

Endless Summer (Damn you!)

C'mon summer... Its March already, stop with the fucking heat, man!

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Saturday, March 03, 2018

After the Nexus 10 loop reboot blues, re-imaged and got it on its feet once again.
Installed Spotify yesterday, in order to test the Chromecast Audio with the little lappie, but a problem showed its head...
After installing it, Spotify did nothing, except for a little icon on the top Taskbar that uipon expanding it said:

Spotify: No Storage Area Found

To put Spotify to work, did this:

Settings > Storage > Apps > Spotify > Clear Data

Start Spotify & login

Now I have to workout why the tablet and/or Spotify refuses to scrobble...
Of course, as predicted, the thing with the Chromecast Audio is probing to be really unpleasant.

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Friday, March 02, 2018

The Balconic Wasteland

And this is how I found my plants on the balcony when I got home.
Poor little fellas... The brutal Buenos Aires summer has taken its toll on some of them, specially my mandarina plant, but it has been thru hell in the past, so I'm pretty confidant I'll get it well once again.
Incidentally, making this post found out that the mandarina plant is now over eight years old... Fuck in the hell, man! That's a lot of time!

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Thursday, March 01, 2018

Sunday 25-02-2018 - Miami

(Forgot to post this one)

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