Friday, June 20, 2008

Life Extension for the iBook (?)

I have been looking for any way of recycling the hardware of my late iBook (G3 @ 700 MHz).

It died the Logic Board Death on September 30ht. 2005, I did pull out the HDD, to use it on another crappy laptop, but the thing is, I have invested a lot of money on the little bugger (an extra battery, a new keyboard, RAM, Airport Card); I guess I can easily sell the parts & pieces on the local version of Ebay, Mercado Libre, but I prefer, if possible to find a way to re use the components... Use the LCD, perhaps even the whole case to "hold" a new box... It does not matter if it can't have Os X again.

If anybody knows, and stumbles across this, plese post any useful link.

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